Woman suffering without an air conditioning. Upset sad woman sweating and suffering from a heat stroke while using an electric fan
Jun 5 , 2023 Comment

As the summer heat intensifies, air conditioning becomes a lifeline for comfort and relief. However, like any mechanical system, air conditioners can encounter issues, often when they’re needed the most. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the common air conditioning problems that homeowners face during the summer months. Understanding these issues, their causes, and possible solutions will help you stay cool and prevent potential breakdowns.


Insufficient Cooling

Problem: One of the most common complaints during summer is an air conditioner that doesn’t cool the space adequately.


  • Clogged air filters: Dirty filters restrict airflow and reduce cooling efficiency.
  • Leaky ducts: Leaks in the ductwork can result in cooled air escaping before it reaches the desired area.
  • Improperly sized unit: An air conditioner that is too small for the space it’s cooling may struggle to maintain a comfortable temperature.


  • Clean or replace air filters regularly to improve airflow.
  • Seal any leaks in the ductwork to maximize cooling efficiency.
  • Consult with an HVAC professional to ensure you have the right-sized unit for your space.


  • Schedule regular maintenance to keep your air conditioning system in optimal condition.
  • Change filters as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Have a professional perform a load calculation to determine the appropriate size for a new AC installation.


Refrigerant Leaks

Problem: Insufficient refrigerant levels can result in reduced cooling capacity and poor performance.


  • Wear and tear: Over time, refrigerant lines can develop leaks due to corrosion or vibration.
  • Poor installation: Incorrect refrigerant charging during installation can lead to leaks.


  • If you suspect a refrigerant leak, contact an HVAC professional to locate and repair it.
  • Properly seal and insulate refrigerant lines during installation or repair.


  • Schedule regular maintenance to check for refrigerant leaks and address them promptly.
  • Ensure that only certified HVAC technicians handle refrigerant-related tasks 


Frozen Evaporator Coils

Problem: Frozen evaporator coils restrict airflow, leading to reduced cooling performance and potential system damage.


  • Restricted airflow: Dirty air filters, blocked vents, or closed registers can limit the amount of air passing over the evaporator coils.
  • Low refrigerant levels: Insufficient refrigerant can cause the coils to freeze.


  • Turn off the air conditioner to allow the coils to thaw.
  • Check and clean air filters, vents, and registers.
  • If the problem persists, contact an HVAC professional to inspect and address the issue.


  • Regularly clean or replace air filters.
  • Keep vents and registers unobstructed.
  • Schedule professional maintenance to check refrigerant levels and ensure proper airflow.


Thermostat Issues

Problem: Inaccurate thermostat readings or malfunctions can lead to temperature inconsistencies and discomfort.


  • Incorrect thermostat placement: Placing the thermostat near heat sources or in direct sunlight can result in inaccurate readings.
  • Calibration problems: A thermostat that is not properly calibrated may not accurately reflect the room temperature.


  • Ensure the thermostat is located away from direct heat sources and receives proper airflow.
  • Consider recalibrating or replacing the thermostat if it consistently displays incorrect readings.


  • Regularly check the thermostat for accuracy and make necessary adjustments.
  • Consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat for better control and energy efficiency.


By understanding the common air conditioning problems that can arise during the summer months, you can take proactive measures to keep your system running smoothly and maintain a cool and comfortable home. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning or replacing air filters, checking for refrigerant leaks, and ensuring proper thermostat placement, can go a long way in preventing issues before they escalate.

If you do encounter problems with your air conditioning system, it’s crucial to address them promptly. Contacting a professional HVAC technician is often the best course of action, as they have the expertise to diagnose and resolve the underlying causes of these problems.

Remember, prevention is key. Stay on top of regular maintenance and consider investing in programmable or smart thermostats, which can help optimize energy usage and enhance your comfort. By taking proactive steps and being aware of common air conditioning issues, you can enjoy a cool and worry-free summer season. Stay cool and beat the heat!

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